Monday, March 3, 2025 | Follow Us:


Let's Get Innovative: Tactical Urbanism?

Roosevelt Park
Roosevelt Park
Here in Detroit, we have a lot of space to fill. From beautiful parks and greenways that could use a little love, to underutilized lots and buildings begging for human activity, we have great opportunities to enliven our neighborhoods with low-cost, high-value solutions.

How can we be more innovative with placemaking?
Across the nation, city dwellers are demonstrating the power of “tactical urbanism” to transform spaces with creative urban interventions. These community-driven projects are often quick, cheap and temporary -- powered by human energy and sweat equity moreso than big-budget capital investments.
What do we mean by "tactical?" Pop-up shops & cafes. Guerilla gardening. Chair bombing. Projects designed by and for the community that add vitality to a neighborhood.
What are the best examples of this in Detroit? What are some new ways we can bring underutilized spaces to life?
Join our conversation to share ideas and resources. Invite your friends to be a part of the discussion. We're excited to hear your thoughts to create a more vibrant public realm.

Photo by Marvin Shaouni Photography.
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