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TED Prize invites ideas for the future city

What is your wish for The City 2.0? That's what the folks at TED, the global nonprofit devoted to "ideas worth spreading," want to know. Most years, they award the $100,000 TED Prize to an individual with "one wish to change the world." This year, they awarded it to an idea: the city of the future -- "a future in which more than ten billion people on planet Earth must somehow live sustainably."

Individuals are invited to register on their website (www.thecity2.org) and form cross-disciplinary groups to:

  1. Determine the issue they want to tackle (i.e. traffic, lack of trees);
  2. Collectively determine a solution;
  3. Collaboratively develop an action plan;
  4. Work to implement the solution;
  5. Share the story of their success or failure with others.
Ten micro grants of $10,000 will be awarded in July 2012 to ten local projects that have the best hope of spurring the creation of their City 2.0.

Interested in forming a Detroit team and project? Read more here.

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