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Leadership Features

Detroit Goes National: 10 Moments That Made Us Proud [VIDEO]

Urban Innovation Exchange director Claire Nelson takes a look back at Detroit innovators in the national media and highlights 10 of our favorite moments. Of course, as she notes: "…this list barely scratches the surface. But that's exactly our point."

When Great Minds Meet

A social entrepreneur, an oil and gas executive, and a politician walk into a conference in Detroit…so what happens next? The short answer: when great minds meet, creative ideas emerge.

Can small ideas add up to big change for cities? 13 projects that prove they can (VIDEO)

Urban revitalization is not built on stadiums and skyscrapers alone. Vibrant cities begin with passionate people working on the ground, doing the creative heavy lifting to make their communities better. Leading up to Urban Innovation Exchange Sept. 24-26 in Detroit, we take a look at 13 small projects with big potential.

Three Things I Learned About Social Innovation Across America

D:hive BUILD Program Manager Jessica Meyer reflects on her experiences representing Detroit on this year's Millennial Trains Project (MTP), a ten-day train trip across the country that explores how social innovation is changing cities across America.

A Radical Education Reformer? Hardly.

Kyle Smitley is the founder of Detroit Achievement Academy, a new charter school opening with grades K & 1 and expanding by a grade level each year. Some might call her a radical education reformer, but she wouldn't. 
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Leadership Videos

UIX: Portraits of Detroit Innovation

For the last 3 years, UIX has been documenting the growing movement of artists, makers, entrepreneurs and innovators leading creative neighborhood transformation in Detroit. In this look back, photographer Doug Coombe shares some of the people, projects & places he has captured along the way. Want the full experience? Join us at #UIXDET Sept 24-26, 2014 in Detroit. Music: "Baptism" by Passalacqua, off their new album CHURCH

VIDEO: Michael Forsyth, REVOLVE Detroit

Michael Forsyth, Retail Business Development Manager of the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC) and leader of the DEGC's collaborative neighborhood renewal program REVOLVE Detroit, discusses how Detroit can be a world leader in how communities approach redevelopment. 

VIDEO: Shaka Senghor at TEDxMidwest

Writer, teacher and MIT Media Fellow Shaka Senghor recently gave the last talk of Session 10 on "Passion" at TED2014, receiving a standing ovation from the national audience. While we wait for the footage, here's a video from Senghor's earlier talk at TEDxMidwest, which starts with a literal bang: When he was 19, he shot and killed another man. At the time, he was a young drug dealer “with a quick temper and a semi-automatic pistol.” Senghor says that the “23 years since have been a story of apology, acknowledgement and atonement.”

VIDEO: Matthew Naimi, Recycle Here!

Recycle Here! was formed in 2005 to address the need for recycling options in the City of Detroit. What began as a grassroots neighborhood recycling event has evolved into a city-wide, fully-funded, neighborhood recycling program. As founder Matthew Naimi says here in the video, "It's one of the most Detroit things you're ever gonna see." Video by DETROIT LIVES

VIDEO: Amy Kaherl

For our last issue of 2013, we're taking a look back at one of our favorite videos from the first two years of UIX. In case you missed it the first time, here is Amy Kaherl from Detroit SOUP talking about their monthly fundraising dinner to support local projects. Video by DETROIT LIVES! 
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