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Crowdsourcing Features

It's OK to FAIL: How can we celebrate failure as part of innovation?

You’re going to fail...and that's great! If you're out there innovating and DOING things - trying to add value, generate opportunity, hire employees, build communities, develop talent, create wealth or start something new to move Detroit forward - you're not going to succeed every time. So how do we turn failure into a badge of honor rather than a mark of shame?

Call for Ideas: Innovative ways to fund small-scale community projects?

Detroit has very active foundations and corporations that invest millions of dollars in our community. Usually these funds are directed toward larger, established civic institutions and non-profit organizations with a demonstrated record of impact and success. But what if you have a new, untested idea to address a neighborhood need? How can we create more funding opportunities for smaller-scale but potentially transformative community projects?
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Crowdsourcing Videos

VIDEO: Write A House

Write A House is Detroit-based literary organization that uses the wide range of available home stock in Detroit to build up support for the literary arts in the city.

VIDEO: Amy Kaherl

For our last issue of 2013, we're taking a look back at one of our favorite videos from the first two years of UIX. In case you missed it the first time, here is Amy Kaherl from Detroit SOUP talking about their monthly fundraising dinner to support local projects. Video by DETROIT LIVES! 

VIDEO: Erik Howard

Erik Howard is the co-founder of Young Nation, a non-profit organization that promotes holistic development of youth in urban settings through building relationships, community education, and passion-driven projects. See him and several other UIX innovators on Friday, April 12 starting at 5:30 p.m. at MoCAD as UIX celebrates our one-year anniversary with a special UIX+ArtXDetroit discussion on placemakingVideo by DETROIT LIVES! for Detroit Creative Corridor Center

VIDEO: Rishi Jaitly

Kiva Detroit co-founder Rishi Jaitly talks about his work with Kiva Detroit and the Knight Foundation at the Revitalization & Business Initiative's Detroit Shift conference, held at the University of Michigan's School of Business is association with Model D's IdeaLab. Video by RB Conference.

VIDEO: Steve Nawara

Have a big idea? Take baby steps, says Steve Nawara of Beehive Recording Company. In this video, Steve shares how Beehive is holding a magnifying glass to Detroit's local music culture by offering free recording and downloads for emerging artists. Video by DETROIT LIVES!
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