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Philanthropy: Resources

14 Philanthropy Resources | Page:

Michigan Women's Foundation

Michigan Women’s Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization that is committed to creating positive change for Michigan’s women and girls.

333 W. Fort Street
Suite 1920
Detroit, Michigan 48226

DTE Energy Foundation

DTE Energy and the DTE Energy Foundation are carefully managing their resources to be able to maintain core, structural funding to support key community institutions as well as future-oriented educational, environmental, diversity and development initiatives.

Detroit, Michigan

WK Kellogg Foundation

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation reaches out on many fronts to stand up for children.

One Michigan Avenue East
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017

Common Ground

Common Ground provides a lifeline for individuals and families in crisis, victims of crime, persons with mental illness, people trying to cope with critical situations and runaway and homeless youths. 

1222 S. Washington
Royal Oak, Michigan 48067

Starfish Family Services

Founded in 1963, Starfish Family Services is a private, nonprofit agency serving vulnerable children and families in metropolitan Detroit. 

30000 Hiveley Road
Inkster, Michigan 48141

Vista Maria

Vista Maria delivers innovative care, support, treatment and education to vulnerable youth so that they heal, believe in their worth, and build the skills needed to succeed.

20651 West Warren Avenue
Dearborn Heights, Michigan 48127

Osborn Neighborhood Alliance

The Osborn Neighborhood Alliance works as a partner with the community to make sure kids are safe, healthy, well-educated and prepared for adulthood.

13560 E. McNichols
Detroit, Michigan 48205

Matrix Human Services

The mission of Matrix Human Services for the past 106 years is to break the generational cycle of poverty gripping the city of Detroit.

120 Parsons Street
Detroit, Michigan 48201

The Skillman Foundation

The Skillman Foundation is committed to providing resources to improve the lives of children in Metropolitan Detroit by improving their homes, schools and neighborhoods.

100 Talon Centre Dr. Suite 100
Detroit, MI 48207

Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan

Building community capital is at the heart of the Community Foundation's organizational mission. 

The Community Foundation works to encourage endowment-building as an effective means to address community challenges and opportunities. 

333 West Fort Street, Suite 2010
Detroit, MI 48226

Hudson-Webber Foundation

The basic purpose of the Hudson-Webber Foundation is to improve the vitality and quality of life of the metropolitan Detroit community. The Foundation concentrates its giving primarily within the City of Detroit and has a particular interest in the revitalization of the urban core because this area is a focus for community activity and pride and is of critical importance to the vitality of the entire metropolitan community.

333 W. Fort Street, Suite 1310
Detroit, MI 48226

The Annenberg Foundation

The Annenberg Foundation exists to advance the public well-being through improved communication. As the principal means of achieving this goal, the Foundation encourages the development of more effective ways to share ideas and knowledge.

2000 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1000 S
Los Angeles, CA 90067

The Knight Foundation

Knight Foundation supports transformational ideas that promote quality journalism, advance media innovation, engage communities and foster the arts.

333 W Fort St
Detroit, MI 48226

The Kresge Foundation

The Kresge Foundation is a $3 billion private, national foundation that seeks to influence the quality of life for future generations.

3215 W. Big Beaver Road
Troy, MI 48084

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